With Oil Paints.
Sumo has been painting rocks with his water paints for the past few days, so today we pulled out some of my oil paints for him to experiment with.
Together we set up a palette and some brushes outside. He was wearing his lovely new art smock he decorated himself with fabric pens and his big brothers old school shirt.
We had one brush for every colour.

But we soon discovered economy children's brushes do not work well with oils, so we switched to cotton buds, which worked soooo much better.

Soon the palette began to look like a cotton bud hedgehog as he mixed the oils to create new colours and shades.

He finally proclaimed he was finished, and went off to play with something else.

Sumo loves to mix, and mash, and create. His favourite play includes all three of these activities, so this was very much enjoyed and will be revisited frequently I think. The rocks are now permanently painted instead of being washed away whenever it rains now (at least they will be when they eventually finish drying). He loves the fact he is impacting on his own environment in a more permanent way. And I loved the fact he was so restrained with the oils - not something he has ever been with waterpaints.
Right, we are off to share this with
Childhood 101 for we play Tuesdays. You'll find loads of other ideas and activities there too.